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Filters: Author is A. Bicchi and Keyword is Robotics  [Clear All Filters]
P. Alriksson, Nordh, J., Arzén, K. - E., Bicchi, A., Danesi, A., Schiavi, R., and Pallottino, L., A Component-Based Approach to Localization and Collision Avoidance for Mobile Multi-Agent Systems, in Proc. European Control Conference (ECC), 2007, pp. 4285-4292. PDF icon [PDF] (750.62 KB)
K. - E. Arzén, Bicchi, A., Dini, G., Hailes, S., Johansson, K. H., Lygeros, J., and Tzes, A., A component-based approach to the design of networked control systems, European Journal of Control, vol. 13, pp. 261-279, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (1.03 MB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized cooperative policy for conflict resolution in multi-vehicle systems, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, vol. 23, pp. 1170-1183, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (913.03 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Valenti, G., Pallottino, L., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized Intrusion Detection for Secure Cooperative Multi-Agent Systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 1553-1558. PDF icon [PDF] (321.45 KB)
F. Pasqualetti, Bicchi, A., and Bullo, F., Distributed intrusion detection for secure consensus computations, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Decision and Control, 2007, pp. 5594-5599. PDF icon [PDF] (222.29 KB)
L. Pallottino and Bicchi, A., A Dynamic Programming Approach to Optimal Planning for Vehicles with Trailers, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2007, pp. 3098 - 3103. PDF icon [PDF] (466.84 KB)
M. Lindhè, Johansson, K. H., and Bicchi, A., An experimental study of exploiting multipath fading for robot communications, in Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (347.25 KB)
A. Balluchi, Bicchi, A., Mazzi, E., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A., and Serra, G., Hybrid Multi-rate Control of the Common-Rail, in European Control Conference, 2007, pp. 54-61.
A. Fagiolini, Valenti, G., Pallottino, L., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., Local Monitor Implementation for Decentralized Intrusion Detection in Secure Multi-Agent Systems, in 3rd IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2007, pp. 454–459. PDF icon [PDF] (344.58 KB)
L. Pallottino, Bicchi, A., and Frazzoli, E., Probabilistic verification of decentralized multi-agent control strategies: a case study in conflict avoidance, in American Control Conference (ACC), 2007, pp. 170-175. PDF icon [PDF] (223.16 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., On the Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Assigned I/O Quantization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 52, pp. 1994-2000, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (314.18 KB)
L. Greco, Fagiolini, A., Bicchi, A., and Piccoli, B., Steering Dynamical Systems with Finite Plans and Limited Path Length, in European Control Conference, 2007, pp. 4686-4690. PDF icon [PDF] (1.09 MB)
C. Belta, Bicchi, A., Egerstedt, M., Frazzoli, E., Klavins, E., and Pappas, G. J., Symbolic Planning and Control of Robot Motion: Finding the Missing Pieces of Current Methods and Ideas, Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 14, pp. 61-70, 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (1.13 MB)
R. Filippini, Sen, S., and Bicchi, A., Variable Impedance Actuations for Physical Human Cooperating Robots: a Comparative Analysis of Performance, Safety and Dependability, in Proc. IARP-IEEE/RAS-EURON Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments., 2007. PDF icon [PDF] (97.58 KB)
D. Fontanelli, Viviani, R., Greco, L., Caiti, A., and Bicchi, A., Adaptive non Linear Control of Dynamic Mobile Robots with Parameters Uncertainty, in Int. IFAC Symp. on Robot Control, Bologna, Italy, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (581.23 KB)
A. Fagiolini, Torelli, A., and Bicchi, A., Casting Robotic end-effectors to reach far objects in space and planetary missions, in Proc. of the 9th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 28-30. PDF icon [PDF] (792.07 KB)
A. Bicchi, Controllo, Teoria del, in Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, XXI Secolo – Aggiornamento., Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana ``G. Treccani'', 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (64.78 KB)
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Decentralized and scalable conflict resolution strategy for multi-agents systems, in Int. Symp. on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (283.6 KB)
K. - E. Arzén, Bicchi, A., Hailes, S., Johansson, K. H., and Lygeros, J., On the Design and Control of Wireless Networked Embedded Systems, in Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Control System Design - CACSD'06, 2006, pp. 440-445. PDF icon [PDF] (243.8 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Feedback Encoding for Efficient Symbolic Control of Dynamical Systems, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 51, pp. 1-16, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (499.4 KB)
A. Balluchi, Bicchi, A., Mazzi, E., Vincentelli, S. A., and Serra, G., Hybrid Modelling and Control of the Common Rail Injection System, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2006, vol. 3927 / 2006, pp. 79-92. PDF icon [PDF] (856.77 KB)
A. Bicchi, Marigo, A., and Piccoli, B., Improving efficiency of finite plans by optimal choice of input sets, in Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 2006, vol. 3927 / 2006, pp. 108-122. PDF icon [PDF] (444.83 KB)
G. Tonietti, Schiavi, R., and Bicchi, A., Optimal Mechanical/Control Design for Safe and Fast Robotics, in Experimental Robotics IX: The 9th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, vol. 21, O. K. Marcelo H. Ang, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 311 - 320. PDF icon [PDF] (258.85 KB)
G. Boccadamo, Schiavi, R., Sen, S., Tonietti, G., and Bicchi, A., Optimization and Fail-Safety Analysis of Antagonistic Actuation for pHRI, in European Robotics Symposium 2006, vol. 22, H. Christensen, Ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006, pp. 109 - 118. PDF icon [PDF] (394.22 KB)
B. Picasso and Bicchi, A., Practical stabilization of LTI SISO systems under assigned Input and Output quantization, presented at the July, 2006, pp. 353-358.
L. Pallottino, Scordio, V. G., Frazzoli, E., and Bicchi, A., Probabilistic verification of a decentralized policy for conflict resolution in multi-agent systems, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, 2006, pp. 2448-2453. PDF icon [PDF] (351.44 KB)
R. Alami, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Guiochet, J., Hirzinger, G., Ingrand, F., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Powell, D., Sen, S., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Safe and Dependable Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: State of the Art and Challenges, in Proc. IROS'06 Workshop on pHRI - Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains, 2006.
R. Alami, Albu-Schaeffer, A., Bicchi, A., Bischoff, R., Chatila, R., De Luca, A., De Santis, A., Giralt, G., Guiochet, J., Hirzinger, G., Ingrand, F., Lippiello, V., Mattone, R., Powell, D., Sen, S., Siciliano, B., Tonietti, G., and Villani, L., Safe and Dependable Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains: State of the Art and Challenges, in Proc. IROS'06 Workshop on pHRI - Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Anthropic Domains, 2006.
A. Danesi, Fagiolini, A., Savino, I., Pallottino, L., Schiavi, R., Dini, G., and Bicchi, A., A scalable platform for safe and secure decentralized traffic management of multiagent mobile systems, in ACM Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (353.65 KB)
A. Danesi, Savino, I. M., Schiavi, R., Bicchi, A., and Dini, G., Security and Advanced Control Issues in a Robotic Platform for Monitoring and Relief, in Proc. of EWSN 2006 February 13-15, ETH Zurich, 2006. PDF icon [PDF] (89.03 KB)
