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Filters: Author is A. Vicino and Keyword is Robotics  [Clear All Filters]
A. Bicchi, An experimental study of performance and fault tolerance of a hybrid free-flight control scheme, in Robustness in Identification and Control, A. Garulli, Tesi, A., and Vicino, A., Eds. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 1999, pp. 449-463. PDF icon [PDF] (521.83 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Geometric Control Techniques for Manipulation Systems, in Proceeding Int. Conf. Computer Integrated Systems, Belfort, France, 1997. PDF icon [PDF] (331.23 KB)
D. Prattichizzo, Mercorelli, P., Bicchi, A., and Vicino, A., Geometric Control Techniques for Mechanical Systems, in Int. Conf. Italian Association for Theretical and Applied Mechanics, Siena, Italia, september 29 - October 3 1997, 1997. PDF icon 1997_PMBV_AIMETA.pdf (921.55 KB)