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Filters: Author is D. Mazzei and Keyword is Bioengineering  [Clear All Filters]
L. Cominelli, Mazzei, D., Pieroni, M., Zaraki, A., Garofalo, R., and De Rossi, D., Damasio's Somatic Marker for Social Robotics: Preliminary Implementation and Test, in Living Machines - The 4th International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 28 - 31 July 2015, 2015, pp. 316-328 [Online]. Available:
C. De Maria, Mazzei, D., and Ahluwalia, A., Improving African Healthcare through Open Source Biomedical Engineering, International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 2015.
A. Ahluwalia, Atwine, D., De Maria, C., Ibingira, C., Kipkorir, E., Kiros, F., Madete, J., Mazzei, D., Molyneux, E., Moonga, K., Moshi, M., Nzomo, M., Oduol, V., and Okuonzi, J., Open Biomedical Engineering Education in Africa, in The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Milan, Italy, 25-29 August 2015, 2015.
C. De Maria, Mazzei, D., and Ahluwalia, A., Open Source Biomedical Engineering for Sustainability in African Healthcare: Combining Academic Excellence with Innovation, in ICDS 2014, The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society, 2014, pp. 48–53.
D. Mazzei, Zaraki, A., Lazzeri, N., and De Rossi, D., Recognition and Expression of Emotions by a Symbiotic Android Head, in IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (HUMANOIDS 2014), Madrid, Spain, November 18 - 20, 2014, pp. 134 - 139 .
A. Zaraki, Giuliani, M., Dehkordi, M. B., Mazzei, D., D’Ursi, A., and De Rossi, D., An RGB-D Based Social Behavior Interpretation System for a Humanoid Social Robot, in IEEE-RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics 2014 , Tehran, Iran, October 15-17, 2014, pp. 185 - 190.
S. Giusti, Vozzi, F., Pagliari, F., Tirella, A., Mazzei, D., Cabiati, M., del Ry, S., and Ahluwalia, A., Sensorized Squeeze Pressure Bioreactor For mechanical modulation of cardiomyocyte phenotype, in Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 2014, vol. 8 Suppl 1, pp. 67–8 [Online]. Available:
G. Frediani, Mazzei, D., De Rossi, D., and Carpi, F., Wearable Wireless Tactile Display for Virtual Interactions with Soft Bodies, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, vol. 2, no. 31, 2014 [Online]. Available:
D. Mazzei, Lazzeri, N., Billeci, L., Igliozzi, R., Mancini, A., Ahluwalia, A., Muratori, F., and De Rossi, D., Development and evaluation of a social robot platform for therapy in autism, in Proc. Annual Int Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society,EMBC Conf. of the IEEE, 2011, pp. 4515–4518.
G. Baldi, Mazzei, D., and Gervasi, V., Dispositivo per tomografia ad impedenza elettrica, 2011.
F. Vozzi, Mazzei, D., Vinci, B., Vozzi, G., Sbrana, T., Ricotti, L., Forgione, N., and Ahluwalia, A., A flexible bioreactor system for constructing in vitro tissue and organ models., Biotechnol Bioeng, vol. 108, pp. 2129–2140, 2011.
A. Ahluwalia, De Maria, C., Mazzei, D., and Vozzi, G., High throughput sensorized bioreactor for applying hydrodynamic pressure and shear stress stiumli on cell cutlures, 2011.
D. Mazzei, Giusti, S., Sbrana, T., and Ahluwalia, A., Multi-Compartmental Modular Bioreactor as Innovative System for Dynamic Cell Cultures and Co-Cultures, in Bioreactors: Design, Properties and Applications, P. G. Antolli and Liu, Z., Eds. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2011, pp. 159 - 178.
C. De Maria, Giusti, S., Mazzei, D., Crawford, A., and Ahluwalia, A., Squeeze pressure bioreactor: a hydrodynamic bioreactor for noncontact stimulation of cartilage constructs, Tissue engineering. Part C, Methods, vol. 17, pp. 757–64, 2011 [Online]. Available:
A. Ahluwalia, Sbrana, T., and Mazzei, D., Supporto per camere di coltura cellulare, 2011.
M. Bonini, Casati, R., Falorni, M., Fantoni, G., Massei, M., Mazzei, D., Mazzuoli, M., and Renucci, G., Contenitore per alimenti caldi e simili, 2010.
D. Mazzei, Billeci, L., Armato, A., Lazzeri, N., Cisternino, A., Pioggia, G., Igliozzi, R., Muratori, F., Ahluwalia, A., and De Rossi, D., The FACE of autism, in Proc. IEEE RO-MAN, 2010, pp. 791–796.
G. Vozzi, Mazzei, D., Tirella, A., Vozzi, F., and Ahluwalia, A., Finite element modelling and design of a concentration gradient generating bioreactor: Application to biological pattern formation and toxicology, Toxicology in vitro, vol. 24, pp. 1828–1837, 2010 [Online]. Available:
B. Vinci, Cavallone, D., Vozzi, G., Mazzei, D., Domenici, C., Brunetto, M., and Ahluwalia, A., In vitro liver model using microfabricated scaffolds in a modular bioreactor., Biotechnol J, vol. 5, pp. 232–241, 2010.
D. Mazzei, Guzzardi, M. A., Giusti, S., and Ahluwalia, A., A low shear stress modular bioreactor for connected cell culture under high flow rates., Biotechnol Bioeng, vol. 106, pp. 127–137, 2010.
G. Ciofani, Migliore, A., Mazzei, D., Carrozza, M., and Dario, P., Modification of Pointing Performance in Altered Gravitational Environments, Microgravity Science and Technology, vol. 22, pp. 123-128, 2010.
