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G. Valenza, Citi, L., Lanata, A., Scilingo, E. P., and Barbieri, R., A nonlinear heartbeat dynamics model approach for personalized emotion recognition, in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2013, pp. 2579–2582.
G. Valenza, Tedesco, L., Lanata, A., De Rossi, D., and Scilingo, E. P., Novel Spiking Neuron-Astrocyte Networks based on NoNlinearTransistor-Like Models of Tripartite Synapses, in Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13), Osaka, Japan, 2013.
D. G. Mura, Lorussi, F., Tognetti, A., Anania, G., Carbonaro, N., Pacelli, M., Paradiso, R., and De Rossi, D., Piezoresistive Goniometer Network for Sensing Gloves, in Proceedings of the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2013, pp. 1547–1550.
G. Valenza, Citi, L., Scilingo, E. P., and Barbieri, R., Point-Process Nonlinear Models with Laguerre and Volterra Expansions: Instantaneous Assessment of Heartbeat Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 61, no. 11, pp. 2914–2926, 2013.
A. Zaraki, Mazzei, D., Lazzeri, N., Pieroni, M., and De Rossi, D., Preliminary Implementation of Context-Aware Attention System for Humanoid Robots, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Proc. Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013), vol. 8064, Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 457-459.
G. Vozzi, Corallo, C., and Daraio, C., Pressure-activated microsyringe composite scaffold of poly(L-lactic acid) and carbon nanotubes for bone tissue engineering, Journal of Apllied polymer science, vol. 129, no. 2, pp. 528–536, 2013.
P. Taddei, Chiono, V., Anghileri, A., Vozzi, G., Freddi, G., and Ciardelli, G., Silk Fibroin/Gelatin Blend Films Crosslinked with Enzymes for Biomedical Applications, 2013.
L. M. Marca, Tirella, A., Mattei, G., and Ahluwalia, A., {SpHyGa: fabrication of hepatic lobule replicas using tissue derived material composites}, in ESB 2013, Madrid, 2013, p. ID 520.
S. Giusti, Pagliari, F., Vozzi, F., Tirella, A., Mazzei, D., Cabiati, M., del Ry, S., and Ahluwalia, A., SQPR 3.0: A Sensorized Bioreactor for Modulating Cardiac Phenotype, Procedia Engineering, vol. 59, pp. 219–225, 2013 [Online]. Available:
A. Tirella, Mattei, G., and Ahluwalia, A., {Strain rate viscoelastic analysis of soft and highly hydrated biomaterials.}, Journal of biomedical materials research. Part A, 2013 [Online]. Available:
N. Lazzeri, Mazzei, D., Zaraki, A., and De Rossi, D., Towards a Believable Social Robot, in Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems (Proc. Second International Conference, Living Machines 2013), Springer-Verlag, 2013, pp. 393-395.
A. Tirella, La Marca, M., Carroll, L. A., Aylott, J., and Ahluwalia, A., Towards a controlled and monitorable hepatic micro-environment, in Advanced Cell Culture, Liverpool, UK, 2013.
M. Carrabba and Vozzi, G., 3D SOFT-MI: novel microfabrication method of 3D molecular imprinted structures, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 132 - 133.
S. Matu, Cristea, I., Coteţ, C., Valenza, G., Gentili, C., Scilingo, E. P., and David, D., Are socially anxious individuals less empathic? A psychophysiological investigation of facial mimicry for emotional expressions, International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 85, pp. 375–376, 2012.
M. Caputo, Vozzi, G., and Mattei, G., Characterization and modeling of mechanical behavior a discrete gradient structure, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 130 - 131.
I. Cristea, Valenza, G., Gentili, C., Tatar, A. S., Scilingo, E. P., and David, D., Cognitive reappraisal and acceptance distinctively impact heart rate variability in socially anxious individuals, International Journal of Psychophysiology, vol. 85, p. 339, 2012.
G. Mattei, Ahluwalia, A., Ferretti, C., Mattioli-Belmonte, M., and Tirella, A., Continuous functionally graded materials (cFGMs) for TE, in TERMIS 3rd World Congress, Vienna, Austria, 2012.
A. Greco, Lanata, A., Valenza, G., Rota, G., Vanello, N., and Scilingo, E. P., On the deconvolution analysis of electrodermal activity in bipolar patients, in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2012, pp. 6691–6694.
C. La Vecchia and Vozzi, G., Design, characterization and modeling of microfabricated Soft-MI for ophthalmologic applications., in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 204 - 205.
G. Valenza, Allegrini, P., Lanata, A., and Scilingo, E. P., Dominant Lyapunov exponent and approximate entropy in heart rate variability during emotional visual elicitation, Frontiers in Neuroengineering, vol. 5, 2012.
A. Lanata, Valenza, G., and Scilingo, E. P., Eye gaze patterns in emotional pictures, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp. 1–11, 2012.
R. Pimentel and Vozzi, G., Finite element model for PAM scaffolds, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 74 - 75.
G. Orsi and Vozzi, G., Fluid dynamics characterization of a microfluidic concentration gradient maker, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 152 - 153.
G. Mattei, Tirella, A., and Ahluwalia, A., Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with predictable and controlled gradient profiles: computational modelling and realisation, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics (CMES), p. accepted, 2012.
D. Ioannidis, Tzovaras, D., Mura, G. D., Ferro, M., Valenza, G., Tognetti, A., and Pioggia, G., Gait and Anthropometric Profile Biometrics: A Step Forward, Second Generation Biometrics: The Ethical, Legal and Social Context, pp. 105–127, 2012.
D. Mazzei, Lazzeri, N., Hanson, D., and De Rossi, D., HEFES: an Hybrid Engine for Facial Expressions Synthesis to control human-like androids and avatars, in BIOROB2012, Rome, Italy, 2012, pp. 195 - 200.
V. Carta, Orsi, G., and Vozzi, G., Hydrogels with 3D gradient of mechanical properties, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 200 - 201.
G. Orsi, Carta, V., and Vozzi, G., Hydrogels with 3D Gradient of Mechanical Properties, in Hydrogels: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Online edition., 2012.
A. Tirella and Ahluwalia, A., The impact of fabrication parameters and substrate stiffness in direct writing of living constructs, Biotechnology progress, vol. 28, pp. 1315–1320, 2012 [Online]. Available:
A. De Acutis, De Maria, C., and Vozzi, G., Indirect m-fabrication using Pam2 system, in Congresso Nazionale di Bioingegneria 2012 Atti, Roma, Italy, 2012, pp. 166 - 167.
