Danilo De Rossi

Danilo De Rossi received the “Laurea” degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Genoa in 1976. From 1976 to 1981 he was researcher of the Institute of Clinical Physiology of C.N.R. He had appointments for teaching and research in Australia, Brasil, France, Japan and USA. He joined the Faculty of Engineering in the University of Pisa in 1982 where he is currently Full Professor of Bioengineering and coordinator of the Bioengineering Group at the Interdepartmental Research Centre “E. Piaggio”. His scientific activities are related to the physics of organic and polymeric materials, and to the design of sensors and actuators for bioengineering and robotics. He received the “Bioengineering Forum Award” of the Biological Engineering Society (UK) in 1980, and the “Young Investigator Award” of the American Society for Artificial Organs (USA) in 1985. He is author of over 270 peer reviewed papers on international science journals and peer reviewed proceedings, co-inventor of 14 patents and co-author of 8 books.
Positions and Employment
1975 - 1976 Fellow of Italian Foundation for Medical Research Clinical Physiology Laboratory, Pisa, Italy. 1976 - 1977 Atomic Energy Commission, Electronics and Computer Technology Laboratory Physical Microelectronics Division, Grenoble, France. 1977 - 1978 Scientific Consultant, National Research Industrial Consultant Council of Italy. 1978 - 1979 Fellow of National Research Council of Italy at the Clinical Physiology Laboratory, Pisa, Italy. 1979 - 1981 Investigator, Institute of Clinical Physiology of the National Research Council of Italy. 1980 - present Group Leader (Material, sensors and transducers) of the Institute of Clinical Physiology; Research Associate at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy. 1981 Visiting Professor of Biomedical Engineering at COPPE-Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brasil. 1981 - 1984 Research Associate U.S. National Burea of Standards, DC, USA. 1981 - 1984 Visiting Assistant Professor of Medical Science, Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA. 1982 - 1986 Researcher, University of Pisa, Italy. 1987 American Society Research Associate National Institutes of Health Bethesda, USA. 1987-1994 Associate Professor of Bioengineering, University of Pisa, Italy. 1990 Guest Scientist, Japan Agency for Industrial Science and Technology, MEL/MITI, Tsukuba, Japan. 1991 - 1995 Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering Mc Gill University, Montreal, Canada. 1994-present Full Professor, University of Pisa, Italy. 1997 Guest Professor, F. Schilling University, Jena, Germany. 2000-2003 Director of the Interdepartmental Research Centre “E. Piaggio”, University of Pisa, Italy
Other Experience and Professional Memberships
1978 - 1981 Chairman of Subproject BIOI-3, 1st Special project on BME, CNR, Italy 1982 - 1986 Chairman of Subproject on Biomedical Sensors and Actuators, 2nd Special Project on BME, CNR, Italy 1980 - present Member, Italian association of Medical and Biological Engineering (IT) 1980 - present Member, Biological Engineering Society (UK) 1982 - present Member, American Society of Artificial Internal Organs (USA) 1986 - present Member, European Society of Biomechanics 1987 - present Member, Italian Society of Biomaterials (IT) 1988 - present Member, New York Academy of Science 1988 - present Member, “Associated Staff” European Official Newsletter Advanced Materials and Technology (Fr) 1988 - 1989 Member, Editorial Board “Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments” (UK) 1989 - present Member, Editorial Board “Journal of Intelligent Materials, Systems and Structures (USA) 1990 - present Member, IEEE - BME 1990 - present Member, Editorial Board “Physics World” (UK) 1991 - present Member, Governing Board of International Society of “Molecular Electronics and Biocomputing” 1992 - present Member, Editorial Board “Polymer gels and networks” (Netherlands) 1992 - present Editor (with P. Calvert, University of Arizona and T. Tateischi, MEL/MITI, Tsukuba), Material Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic Materials Sensors and Systems” (Netherlands) 1993 - present Deputy Governor, American Biographic Institute Research Association (ABIRA).
1980 Bioengineering Forum Award of the Biological Engineering Society (UK). 1985 Young Investigator Award American Society Artificial Internal Organs (USA). 1998 - to date Honorary Principal Fellow, Faculty of Science, University of Wollongong, Australia.
Selected Research Support
European IST Project ACTIBIO, contract n° 215372, call ICT-2007.1.4, 2008-2011. Unobtrusive authentication using activity related and soft biometrics.
European IST Project OASIS, contract n° 215754, call ICT-2007.7.1, 2008-2012. Open architecture for accessible services integration and standardisation
European IST Project BIOTEX, contract n° 016789, call FP6-2004-IST-NMP-2, 2005-2008. Bio-sensing textiles to support health management.
European IST Project HUMABIO, contract n° 026990, call FP6-2004-IST-4, 2006-2008. Human monitoring and authentication using biodynamic indicators and behavioural analysis .
European IST Project 2002-507816 MYHEART 2003-2007 MyHeart: Fighting cardio-vascular diseases by preventive lifestyle & early diagnosis
European IST Project 2001-37778 WEALTHY 2002-2005 Wearable Health Care System
Italian MURST Project FIRB 2002-2005 Development of technologies for implementation of electronic components and devices on textile substrates.
European IST Project 2001-34181 BIOLOCH 2002-2005 BIO-mimetic structures for LOComotion in the Human body
European IST Project 2001-39262 ARIANNE 2003-2005 Feasibility study of yarns and fabrics with annexed electronic functions.
Italian MURST Project n° 795 Art. 10 Lex 46/1982 1999-2005 Development and evaluation of an integrated system for the characterization of olive oil quality based on an artificial olfactory system.