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Irene Chiesa

Irene Chiesa is a PhD student at Research Centre E. Piaggio and Dept. of Ingegneria dell'Informazione (University of Pisa, Italy). She received the Bachelor and Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of Pisa, Italy, in 2016 and 2019, respectively. During his master thesis, she spent six months at the Center for Cellular and Molecular Engineering of the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, USA). In her thesis she designed, developed and characterized an in vitro osteochondral model with vascularized bone phase using 3D bioprinted scaffolds and natural biomaterials. After her master degree graduation, she spent for six months as visiting researcher at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA), at the Biomaterial and Bioengineering Laboratory (PI: Prof. Riccardo Gottardi). Her research activity is currently focused on the investigation of different applications of bioprinting (extrusion-based 3D printing, ink-jet printing, electrospinning) with the aim of fabricating multiscale and multimaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering applications.