Antonio Bicchi

Antonio Bicchi is Professor of Robotics at the University of Pisa, and Senior Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. He graduated from the University of Bologna in 1988 and was a postdoc scholar at M.I.T.  Artificial Intelligence lab. He teaches  Robotics and Control Systems in the Department of Information Engineering  (DII) of the University of Pisa. He leads the Robotics Group at the  Research Center "E. Piaggio'' of the University of Pisa since 1990. He is the head of the SoftRobotics Lab for Human Cooperation and Rehabilitation at IIT in Genoa. Since 2013 he serves ad Adjunct Professor at the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering of Arizona State University.

From January, 2023, he is the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Robotics Reserach (IJRR), the first scientific journal in Robotics. He has been the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters  (2015-2019), which rapidly became the top Robotics journal by number of submissions. He has organized the first WorldHaptics Conference (2005), today the premier conference in the field. He is a co-founder and President of the Italian Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Machines (I-RIM) 

His main research interests are in Robotics, Haptics, and Control Systems. He has published more than 500 papers on international
journals, books, and refereed conferences. His research on human and robot hands has been generoously supported by the European Research Council with an Advanced Grant in 2012, a Synergy Grant in 2019, and three Proof-of-Concept grants. He is the scientific coordinator of the JOiiNT Lab, an advanced tech transfer lab with leading-edge industries in Bergamo, Italy.

Among his students, seven were finalists of the ``G. Giralt Award'' for Best Ph.D. thesis in Robotics. The award went to Manuel G. Catalano in 2013, to Cosimo Della Santina in 2019, and to Giuseppe B. Averta in 2020.  Alessandro Altobelli and Federica Barontini won the EuroHaptics Best Ph.D. Thesis award in 2015 and 2023, respectively. The prestigious IEEE RAS Early Career Award was awarded to Arash Ajoudani in 2021 and to and Cosimo Della Santina in 2023.




Soft Robots, C Della Santina, MG Catalano, A Bicchi - Springer Encyclopedia of Robotics, 2020

A Century of Artificial Hands, a critical review of design principles, control, applications in the last 106 years with 252 references.


Personal page at IIT VIDEO LINKS

Natural Bionics: "Will I walk again?" ERC@ESOF

LHF-Connect  Sky TG24 9 Luglio 2020
LHF-Connect:su TGR 1 Maggio 2020, minuto 12.50)
Leonardo 500 Movie Trailer
Clip: Clip M. Cacciari: Il pensiero è distrutto se non ha la mano
(subtitled, "Thought is nothing wihout the hand")

  RAI MEMEX AlterEgo Il Robot Avatar (Italiano, 2018)
Google Scholar RAI MEMEX SoftHand: Mano d`acciaio in guanto di velluto (Italiano, 2018)
  TV2000 AlterEgo a Bel Tempo Si Spera (Italiano, 2018)  
Scientific Papers
(most downloadable)
Let's Talk A Conversation on ERC & Research (English, 2017)
  LaDigitalTech  Robots souples et mains de robots:
à la recherche du mouvement fluide
(English, 2017)
Teoria del Controllo ( ICRA-X The Quest for Natural Machine Motion  (English, 2017)
  TED-X L'Intelligenza della Mano (Italiano, 2012)  
Curriculum Vitae Altri Video:
SoftHand-Pro: Dalla robotica alle Protesi
SoftHand Subacquea
Robot WalkMan in azione ad Amatrice dopo il terremoto
Robot AlterEgo in usi domestici
Dispense: CORSI:
Fondamenti di Automatica
(I Parte
Corso di Fondamenti di Automatica - Laurea Ing. Meccanica III anno. Esercizi d'esame svolti fino al 2015 in "Material"
Fondamenti di Automatica
(II Parte)
Corso di Controlli Automatici - L.M. Ing. Meccanica II anno. Esercizi d'esame svolti in "Material"
Controllo e Filtraggio Ottimo
(FdA III Parte)
Corso di Controllo e Filtraggio Ottimo - L.M. Ing. Meccanica II anno.

Controllo dei Robot
(FdA IV Parte)

Corso di Controllo dei Robot - L. M. Ingegneria Robotica e dell'Automazione
Fundamentals of Automation Corso di Automation and Drives - L.M. Engineering of Paper and Cardboard


Curriculum Vitae: